Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Observation 2 - 406

Lesson Plan Template for SED 406 and 407
part 1 = planning
Teacher Candidate:
Al Picozzi
Subject: Social Studies
Grade(s): 11th
Name of Lesson:
Effective communication verbally and through writing using a reading about immigration
Learning Objective(s), including Bloom's taxonomic level: (label A, B, C, *D) *optional
Student will be able to write a proficient constructive response with assistance.
Student Standards (GSE or/GLE or Common Core-in draft for math/science- list which): GSE HP 1-1 Students act as historians, using a variety of tools ; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
Teacher Standards (professional society and/or NETS  and RIPTS-list which): RIPTS 3.2 design instruction that meets the current cognitive, social and personal needs of their students
Rationale: Why this lesson? How does it fit into the curriculum and context?
Is this the introduction, conclusion, or somewhere in the middle of the unit of instruction?
The class is discussing immigration and reading this interview shows the perspective
Materials/Resources needed, including technology: blank SEE(statement, evidence, explination) graphic organizers, pencils/pens, do now sheets, immigration interview article
Accommodations and Modifications (special needs and learning styles) For example:  Dr. Kraus has poor vision and needs written material to be at least 12 pt. font.  He also reads two grade levels higher and needs appropriate reading material. 
All of the students in this class have a IEP.  Some are seated away from others in order for them to be able to work.  One student is allowed to have a lizard in his hand or on him during the class.
What content resources support this knowledge base? (list at least 2)
Immigration article , do now sheets
How confident are you in this topic as you start this lesson?
Teacher seemed very confident



(Boxes expand as you type)
Lesson Plan Template
part 2 = action
Bell-ringer: How will you get students seated, and ready for academic work? (without your voice)
Teacher has set up a procedure which most students follow they take a do now sheet and start on it as they walk in.  Some students do not do this.  Class is a self-contained class with some behavioral students.  Teacher walks around getting them settled. 
Anticipatory Set: How will you introduce the material, interest the students, show relevance of topic?
Phase (change as needed)/Time
Teacher action
Student action
e.g. Intro/5 min.
 Ok start the do now.  Making sure they are taking the sheets
 Students coming in taking the do now sheets
Asking the do now question..Why is it important to have effective communication?
Presentation or
Open-ended/ 10 min.
Asking students about what effective communication looks like.  Demonstrates what non-effective communication in a mock job interview. 
Students doing the do now.  Students watching, some asking questions, some talking.
Is that effective?  What would you do if you were the employer? 
Guided Practice or
Convergent/40 min.
CNN student news.  Then conversation about the news
Watching the news.  Talking about events in the news.
Teacher ask them to write 2 things they learned from the news and then to present it to her to make in the “book”
Student Circle – after lunch break. Asks students what they did over the weekend.
 After the circle.  Starting to go over writing a paragraph on the immigration article.   Teacher writing the answers the class comes up with on the board in a graphic organizer that is drawn on the board.  After the organizer teacher guides them through making the organizer into a constructive response.  Compare this to the answers you wrote before we did it this way.
Talk about the weekend and the coming day off.  Students answering the questions.  Copying the answers the teacher has written on the board.  The answers are from t he class as a whole.  Writing the paragraph as a constructive response.  Copying it from the board after the class as a whole provided the answers.  Students take out previous essay they wrote before this exercise to compare.
Why is school closed this Tuesday?  Why is it important?  So what is the question we want to ask?  Now let’s make it a statement.  What is the next step after statement?  Ok what evidence do we want?  Now after the evidence is..?  Ok what’s the explanation for each piece of evidence?  Why is the writing this way? Why do we need to explain the evidence and use quotes in the writing?
Closing/5 min
Time to put binders away.  Put today’s work in them before they are put away.  Prepares them for the next class where the organizer, the SEE sheets, will be done as a group but the full paragraph will be done by the individual.
Students gathering papers and putting them in their binders.  Putting binders away.
Review and Reflection: How will you review for students who are still having trouble?
She spend more time while they were writing with the students having the most difficulties with this exercise.
Extension: What will you offer to students who have mastered this?
Nothing seen
*Closing: How will you review the material, and draw conclusions? (may be listed above)
I am assuming she looks at the binders at a later time to see how the essays were developing.


Lesson Plan Template
pt. 3 = reflection
What went well?  
The exercise really helped up some of the students getting the idea of the constructive essay.  Many were answering the questions, with guidance, but they were answering and putting together the essay.
What area of weakness needs addressing?
Student distractions and behavior, but as an self-contained class the teacher really did have a handle even though she had to pause a lot during the lesson.
Which objectives were met? What is the evidence? Since this lesson was really class driven and the students just copied what was written I do not think in this lesson you can see if the objectives were met at least by the individual.  As a class they came up with a constructive essay so in that sense the objective was met.
Which students did not meet objectives?  Two of the students had to leave because of behavioral issues.  They were not able to complete the class constructed essay.
Was time managed appropriately?
Yes.  The teacher really had it down even in the face of many interruptions.  With many of her students having behavioral IEPs she really has the time managed and seems to allot time for interruptions she knows will happen.
Did any teacher mannerisms or actions detract from the lesson? None seen.
*What were the strengths and weaknesses of classroom management?  The teacher had it down.  She had established procedures for even the behavioral issues she knew would be coming.  She was able to overcome the interruptions.  She was even able to deal the split lunch and get back onto the lesson quickly.   Weakness was really the amount of interruptions even though she handled them there were so many that at times it stopped the flow of the lesson. 
Was the lesson engaging?
Yes.  Most of the students really were interested.  Even to the point them asking that $7.00 a week was a lot of money in 1906 they wondered what was that in “today’s” money.
*What did I learn from my peer observation (address at least one aspect)  
Having a plan to deal with the interruptions, especially in a self-contained type room, is extremely important.
How will this experience influence your professional identity? 
I think it will allow me to develop in a way that I can try to teach any student.  She showed me that it is possible to help any student develop.
How will it influence how you plan/teach/assess in the future?
I know now that I will have to not only make a plan in a lesson, but to make sure that I also plan for non-academic issues that might come up during a class period.  The teacher here had a plan for the lesson but it is obvious she has a plan to deal with the interruptions that came up.

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