Monday, November 24, 2014

SED 460 Observation Assignment #4

SED 406:  Observation Assignment #4


In this observation assignment, your goal is to create an assessment for the lesson you observed. Please write a 10 minute quiz that will determine if students can meet the objective.


*Remember, it’s about 1 minute for multiple choice and matching, 3-5 minutes for problems and short essays.


**Yes, you can ‘double-dip’ one of the observations that you have already made.


1) What do you think the objective is?


I think the objective for the lesson I saw was that the student will be able to write a proficient constructive response essay analyzing a political cartoon about the immigration policies of the United States in the late 1890’s to the early 1910’s.


This is the cartoon that was shown.

2) What level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is that?


The level for this objective is analysis.  The students have to look at the cartoon and analyze what the cartoon is trying to say about the policies of the US.


3) How will you assess it in 10 minutes or less?


I would give another political cartoon of the same era


Ask the question:  Now look at this cartoon.  Is this cartoon the same as the first?  Why or why not?  Just a couple of sentences. 


If time I would give them another modern one.  Now look at this cartoon dealing with immigration today.  Is it the same?  Yes or No?  Why or why not?


Know Your Enemy


As they are writing their responses I would be going around the room, reading as they are writing and asking them questions about their responses.  I want to sure that they get the idea that cartoon are drawn to represent different views from different parties and they can have a many different meanings.

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